Children gaze at bugs with amazement, pouring themselves into observing its each minute detail with their magnifying eyes - it’s a way of experiencing the complexity of nature for the first time, and I wanted to create toys that brought about that experience of amazement in children.

We are a Women Run, Community Driven Sustainable Business
We are

Fair and Green was conceived by its founder- Neena Jha – who realized that in today’s fast paced life, children throughout their early development process still need simple, engaging toys to improve their motor skills and spark their initial creativity. As a mother herself, she noticed when raising her young family that iPad app’s for young children were becoming the norm, and the small beautiful interactive toys she played with as a child, were missing from the toy store shelves. As a mother who also understands that our role in minimizing adverse impact to our planet and its natural resources, Neena set out on a mission to bring to market all natural and safe toys, created in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, that inspired fun and creativity amongst children.
In 2014 she founded Fair and Green Toys. Fair and Green today has relationships with international artisans and craftsmen that hand produce one-of-a-kind toys for children 6 months and older. It is the gentle loving touch of the craftsman’s hands that bring these beautiful toys to life. Through these toys, Neena wishes to create a sense of wonderment and motivate spontaneous play in children.
Our Artisans
Our team of talented and skilled artisans are keeping this wonderful toymaking craft alive!
Their craftsmanship and keen eyes for detail ensure our toys are a delight for all.




